Defending Our Values and Fighting for Constitutional Conservatism

Secure the Border: I will fight illegal immigration and secure our borders. I support measures to strengthen border security, enforce immigration laws, and protect American jobs and communities.

Protect Second Amendment Rights: With over two decades of experience as a firearms instructor, I know what it takes to defend your Second Amendment rights. The Second Amendment is the most important amendment as, without it, the rest of the amendments are simply polite requests.

Stop Liberal Indoctrination of Our Children: Radical ideologies like Critical Race Theory (CRT) and gender fluidity have no place in our classrooms. I oppose any attempts by the left to indoctrinate our children in classrooms. We need to teach the American Founding and the US Constitution in classrooms and get back to the basics of reading, writing and mathematics.

Defend Religious Liberty: Cancel culture and the radical left want to make Christianity illegal in the public square. I will oppose these attempts at every turn and protect our right to worship and to live our lives by Christian conviction.

Fight Biden’s Inflation: Biden’s inflation has crushed Oklahoma families. The prices of basic commodities have sky-rocketed. I will fight back by unleashing our energy industry to increase supply, cutting wasteful government spending, and working to provide tax relief to all Oklahomans.

100% Pro-Life: I am unequivocally pro-life. Life begins at conception. I will fight for life and work to improve adoption procedures. Oklahoma should be the #1 state in the nation for adoption.

Lower Taxes: I will fight to lower taxes, reduce government spending and cut unnecessary regulations. Lower taxes across the board will promote economic growth, job creation and investment in local communities.

Law & Order: I back the blue. The rule of law must be fought for and we must oppose every liberal effort to defund the police. It is imperative that we make sure our law enforcement professionals have training and funding to enforce our laws.

School Choice: I love the legislation that was recently passed to give parents unprecedented school choice. I will support raising the cap on the parental choice tax credit and Opportunity Scholarship as well as expanding the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarship program. While I support strong public schools, we must also give parents the ability to choose the best education for their child.

Strengthen and Expand Mental Health Programs: Mental Health is as important as physical health and should be treated with the same level of importance. I will work to improve the perception of mental health care as well as increase access to quality mental health programs to address our homeless crisis.

Honoring Veterans: I am committed to honoring and supporting our veterans. I believe we must improve their access to quality healthcare and ensure they are honored for the great sacrifice they made to protect our freedoms.

Block Gender Transition Surgeries for Minors: I will always vote against radical gender reassignment surgeries for minors.

Protect Girls’ Sports: Boys are boys and girls are girls. It’s really simple…biological boys should not compete against girls.

No Vaccine Mandates: Patients and doctors, not government, should be the ones making healthcare decisions. I will oppose vaccine mandates.

Energy Production: Under President Trump we were energy independent. Oklahoma is an energy-producing state and we must unleash our oil & gas industry to produce. This is both an issue of national security and economics.

Stop Illegal Marijuana Grows: The marijuana industry has created unintended consequences in our state. Mainly, illegal marijuana grows have become a major problem. I will fight to give law enforcement the tools they need to shut these illegal grows down and punish the cartels and organized crime that have infiltrated Oklahoma.

Elect President Trump: I am fed up with the chaos in Washington and the dereliction of duty by Joe Biden. Let’s get Donald Trump back in the White House and ensure our elections are free from corruption and manipulation. I am proud to stand with President Trump to Make America Great Again!